York County School Division

What's New

Calendars & Schedules

Families are encouraged to plan ahead and download or print the 2024-25 student calendar to familiarize themselves with student holidays and early release days. The calendar is available on the website and in the YCSD mobile app.

New Payment & Form Platform

The York County School Division has transitioned to a new online payment and form system, SchoolCash Online. This is the preferred method of payment for school-related fees such as fundraisers, field trips, school spirit wear, etc. (Please note the new payment system is NOT related to school cafeteria accounts).

Benefits to Families and Schools

SchoolCash Online helps families and community members pay school-related fees safely, quickly, and easily. It also increases efficiency and security for staff by making payments directly into schools’ bank accounts, eliminating the need for staff to handle money.

Register Now!

Registering for your secure SchoolCash Online account takes less than two minutes! Visit the SchoolCash Online website and click Register. Should you encounter any difficulties, please contact the SchoolCash Online help desk by visiting schoolcashonline.com/Home/Support.

Internet Security

The division is implementing a new security feature to support secure testing environments. The Respondus Lockdown Browser prevents students from opening additional application windows, launching software, or accessing websites during tests. LockDown Browsers are already commonly used for important tests like the SOLs, PSAT, SAT, and AP exams.

Key Points:

Students with YCSD Devices: No action is needed. The LockDown Browser will be automatically installed.

Students with Personal Devices: You will need to download and install the Respondus LockDown Browser. Links for downloading are provided below:

Cell Phone Policy

In July 2024, Governor Glenn Youngkin issued an Executive Order to create cell-phone free school environments. All school systems must establish these policies, using guidance developed by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) by January 1, 2025.

VDOE is expected to publish draft guidance for local school divisions by mid-August, with final guidance issued in September.

As the York County School Division Student Handbook and Conduct Code already requires teacher permission for a student to use a cell phone in class, the division is awaiting the VDOE guidance prior to adopting any changes in cell phone rules. We will keep families informed as we move forward in the development of these policies.

New School Administrators

The 2024-25 school year will begin with several new school administrators in our schools, as well as some veteran administrators in new roles within the division. Please join us in welcoming the following staff members to their new positions:

Elementary Schools

Jacqueline Barber

Jacqueline Barber

Mt. Vernon Elementary - Principal
Danielle Ewing

Danielle Ewing

Bethel Manor Elementary - AP
Brittany West

Brittany West

Dare Elementary - AP
Lindsay Kurtz

Lindsay Kurtz

Grafton Bethel Elementary - AP
Taylor Goodson

Taylor Goodson

Tabb Elementary - AP
Britni Fitzkee

Britni Fitzkee

Yorktown Elementary - AP